Männedorf Hospital is committed to a high quality of treatment and care at various levels and participates in regular measurements of hospital quality. Striving for quality, precision and process optimization forms the basis of our work. In this way, we guarantee modern medicine - in primary care as well as in specialized medicine.
One of the most important cornerstones of high quality are our well-trained employees. Thanks to regular training and the establishment of lean thinking among all employees, the conditions are created for quality awareness to be an integral part of our daily work. In addition to the human factor, a modern infrastructure also plays an important role. The operating rooms at Männedorf Hospital are highly modern and equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology.
State-of-the-art technology for best treatment results
Our teams work hand in hand not only within the hospital, but also with referring physicians and other healthcare organizations. In everything that we do, the safety and well-being of our patients are the main focus.
We continuously review and improve quality based on internal and external surveys and measurements as well as national and international guidelines.
Quality measurements at Männedorf Hospital
Männedorf Hospital participates in the regular national quality measurements that are part of the National Quality Agreement between hospitals, cantons and insurers, such as those carried out by the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics (ANQ). In addition, we give patients and visitors the opportunity to provide us with feedback in the form of an evaluation form or by e-mail. In addition to patient surveys, we regularly conduct referrer surveys and staff surveys in order to continuously improve our quality.
Excellent quality

"We invest a great deal in quality. Our patients should not only feel provided for but should receive the highest level of care and be treated with the utmost medical competence."
Focus on patients
Patient Safety
To ensure the safety of our patients throughout their treatment, various clinical risk management methods have been implemented at Männedorf Hospital.
In hospitals, just as in everyday life, there are various sources of risk. These can result, for example, from complex treatments in which various professional groups are involved. The aim of clinical risk management is to identify situations in which patient safety could be at risk at an early stage and to derive measures to eliminate these potential hazards in the future. The CIRS (Critical Incident Reporting System) as an effective component of clinical risk management has been used successfully for many years to learn from events that almost happened. Standardized checklists are also used in the operating room and in anesthesia. These are based on the WHO checklist for safe surgery and ensure the greatest possible patient safety. In addition, Männedorf Hospital is networked with Patient Safety Switzerland (see link below) in order to benefit from cross-institutional projects.
Infection prevention and hospital hygiene
Infection prevention and impeccable hygiene are critical aspects in the care of our patients.
Hospital hygiene is responsible for all measures that prevent infections and the spread of multi-resistant pathogens in Männedorf Hospital.
This includes advising and regularly training employees in all areas, monitoring outcome, process and structural parameters (e.g. wound infections after operations, compliance with hand hygiene, antibiotic consumption, monitoring of multi-resistant pathogens). Hygiene guidelines, which are based on the latest findings as well as national and international guidelines and recommendations, serve as a basis.
Whether you come to Männedorf Hospital for a consultation, examination or surgical procedure, infection prevention is incorporated into daily patient care.
Lean Management
At Männedorf Hospital, we are guided by the principles of lean management. Process thinking is firmly anchored interdisciplinarily as well as interprofessionally. In this way, we ensure that our entire range of services is geared to the needs of our patients.
Patients pass through different areas during their hospital stay, from admission to the end of treatment. It is therefore important to know the sub-steps of a treatment process and to coordinate them with each other. Thanks to the introduction of comprehensive process management, based on the lean management philosophy, processes at Männedorf Hospital are standardized and the collaboration of all professional groups is organized in the best possible way. This supports patient safety and leads to consistently high quality. In addition to examinations and treatments that are individually coordinated for each patient, as well as therapeutic measures, our patients benefit from an excellent hotel service.