About this disease

What it concerns

Tense neck muscles are often the cause of tension headaches. However, the term "tension" can also refer to stress, strain, anxiety and emotional tension.


There are other types of headaches. Probably the best known are cervicogenic headaches, which originate in the cervical spine, and migraine headaches.

Symptoms and consequences

Those who suffer from tension headaches typically complain of almost constant dull headaches. These are usually bilaterally symmetrical and globally present. In later stages, exacerbations with pounding headache and nausea (rarely with vomiting) occasionally occur.

How we can help you

Examination and diagnosis

During the patient interview, the symptoms and pain behavior are recorded in detail in order to identify the type of headache. The clinical examination reveals tense and highly pressure-sensitive neck and masticatory muscles.


Physiotherapy can help to relieve muscle tension with targeted measures such as soft tissue techniques, dry needling or electrotherapy. Heat applications can provide additional relief. Postural instructions, relaxation exercises and training of the neck and shoulder girdle muscles should also be included in the therapy. In addition an evaluation should be made of the emotional stressors and these should be addressed by means of stress management training.

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