Where to go in an emergency?

Ideally, the first point of contact is always your pediatrician. If a consultation there is not possible, our emergency department is familiar with the most common disease and injury patterns in order to treat them - if necessary in consultation with specialists from the children's hospital. If a specialist in pediatrics is needed for a final assessment, we have to refer to our colleagues at the Children's Hospital Zurich or the Pediatric Permanence of the Hospital Zollikerberg. These hospitals have the corresponding, in-depth expertise.


"If you are unsure, you can also call us in advance for advice. Männedorf may make sense, or you may want to go to Zurich or Zollikerberg."
Beat Frank, M.D., Head Physician, Emergency Ward

Tel. +41 44 922 22 11

Your child with us in the hospital

Certain surgical procedures are also offered for children in our hospital - for example, in the case of bone fractures or the removal of the appendix. In such cases, one parent is allowed to stay overnight with the child. This means you can be there for your little treasure around the clock - at no extra charge.

Seit 2024 verfügt das Spital Männedorf zudem über eine eigene Kinderarztpraxis auf dem Spital-Areal. Das Angebot ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Stärkung der pädiatrischen und neonatologischen Versorgung in der Region.

Kinderarztpraxis am Spital Männedorf

Mehr erfahren

Hospital tour for kindergartens and schools

See and experience Männedorf Hospital with your own eyes: That is the motto of our guided tours for children aged 6 and up. This way, they get to know the operation before there might be an emergency and can ask any questions that are on their mind. During the tour, children playfully discover different areas of our hospital. The hospital tours are aimed at kindergarten groups, school classes, parents' associations, vacation fun and families. The tours are offered once a month in the afternoon only.

Twice a year there are public tours for children. The dates and the registration form will be posted in our agenda in due course.

Cost: CHF 100.-

A snack is included in every tour.

Anmeldung öffentliche Kinderführung
« The plaster cutter is mega cool. You really don't feel it when it hits your skin. »

Mia S., student from Stäfa

Rent a hospital suitcase

Do you want to teach the topic of hospital independently in the classroom? Then rent our hospital case with play materials, books and other consumables from the hospital such as surgical caps, X-rays, stethoscopes and much more. The rent is 60 francs per month, for each additional week we charge 10 francs.

Auskünfte & Anmeldung
Ruth Maurer, r.maurer@spitalmaennedorf.ch